
Hardi & Jesslyn | Wedding Day | Bali

Abi & Vivia | Wedding Day | Labuan Bajo

Labuan Bajo Wedding

Michelle & Niklaus | Wedding Day | Jakarta

Jakarta Wedding

It isn’t the red ribbon that binds them together. 

She carved herself into her veins and familiarise herself around his heart 

He is the thought behind the feeling and the swelling in her chest. 

Continue the adventure to the Wedding of Claudia & Alvin in Fairmont, Jakarta.

Jakarta Wedding

Amelia & Patrik | Wedding Day | Wonderland Uluwatu, Bali

Wonderland Uluwatu Wedding

Love isn’t always perfect. It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn’t always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on & never letting go.

It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, & impossible to live without. 

Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute, & every second was worth it because you did it together.

Continue the adventure to the Wedding of Tania & Benson in Hutan Kota Plataran.

Wonderland Uluwatu Wedding

Best of Iluminen 2019

Best of Iluminen 2019

Seasons were creeping by and without us realizing, another chapter of our book had been closed. Gulping down on a piping hot espresso while strolling down the small alleys of Amsterdam-centrum; icy winds numbed our hands and tongue slightly burnt, but that’s alright.

People say that we should never look back and move forward, but when we reminisced our journey in 2019, a saying comes to mind: “Oh man that was really good!”. It was definitely a bitter-sweet chapter for us all and a paragraph isn’t going to be enough to unfold the full adventure.

Teary eyes from the spring-breeze of Salzburg to witnessing our new (and old) friends and families jumped into their own journey had been one of the best memories that we had in 2019. The scent of fireworks lighting up the dance floor and the hums of the Sydney river-side still lingers up to this very minute.

We lived for these moments and we can’t thank you all enough for sharing those moments with us. We believe that in 2020, there’ll be even more indelible bit waiting for us! A picture is indeed worth a thousand words, so sit back, relax and immerse yourself in our 2019’s journey down below!

Best of Iluminen 2019

Why We Prefer Natural Compared to Posed Photos?


Passionate kisses and warm – comforting hugs never fail to bring out the best of every couple’s true connection. Strolling around the street, hand-in-hand in every direction of the sunrays with genuine smiles painted on their faces are all the things that will bring the true characters onto the photographs.

Believe it or not, we do not pose couples in front of our camera, but rather we interact with them to bring out their true nature as human beings. This goes by giving them un-posed prompts such as exchanging questions and answers that will invoke their emotions.

And today, we’ll be sharing about why candid photographs are taking over the trend in the wedding industry.


As much as we’re a big fan of editorial style poses, we believe that the “In-between candids” ooze out the real you. Impromptu moments such as stolen pecks on the cheek, surprise tickle attack or even snuck a whiff of her sweet-smelling hair, are the natural reactions that stay timeless.


While the notion of having to pose for an entire day can be exhausting for the couples, un-posed moments enable us to make the most out of the photo sessions. What’s better than having so much fun during the session, without having the need to pretend to be who we are not.


It is common nowadays for wedding photographers to pose their couples, whether it is during pre-wedding or even the wedding day itself. But by doing the opposite way (i.e. genuine interactions with the couples), we as photographer will be able to gain a stronger sense of trust from our couples as we focus more on the connections.


Furthermore, un-posed moments allow the day to unveil naturally. We trust that every wedding has its own beauty of revelation. Starting from the early morning of the preparation, to the ceremony, up until the dinner reception. As a wedding photographer, our job is to be a delicate observer throughout the whole day and always be prepared to capture those erratic moments into art. It is important for us to do minimal interruptions (posing) so that we deliver the real story much better.

To sum it up, photographs that move our hearts and souls are the one that have the authenticity and genuineness of the stories. We are here to document life, and celebrate connections. Those photographs will serve as a great reminder of the togetherness in the realest way.

Scroll down to see some of our honest and un-posed photographs.

unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposed unposedunposed unposed unposed unposed

Read our next article on Green Wedding Guide.


GWG – Green Wedding Guide


Weddings should be one of the most special days of our life, but unfortunately without realising it can also be one of the biggest contributors of environmental waste. Thus, in honor of “Plastic Free July”, a global movement that aim to dramatically reduces plastic use, we rounded some simple ways to host a green wedding.

We’re not telling you to skip the party, flavourful meals, gorgeous invites and decors – but we’re talking about making small actions that create a great impact to our environment.

Let’s try one (or some) of these tricks to bring positive consequences for the environment on your wedding day!

Choose Eco-Friendly Stationery

Stationery is generally paper-made, that also means the more paper being used, the more trees will be cut down too. And with more wedding vendors become increasingly environmentally conscious, it’s easier nowadays to find invitation suites, thank you cards and other wedding stationeries that are printed on 100% recycled paper. Or alternatively we can decide togo paper-less by using e-invitations or even wedding website services, that are certainly more eco friendly and also provide a more effective and efficient basis for the wedding guests to RSVP and connect with us.

Please find below for our recommended vendors in this category:

  1. Love Invitation
  2. Bow Bei
  3. Parler Studio
  4. The Distillery Asia

Pick an Eco-Friendly Venue

One of the easiest ways to reduce energy usage for your wedding day is to utilise outdoors venue, like on a cliff or beachside. The exposure of direct sunlight to the venue enables us to hold the party without the excessive usage of energy. Plus outdoor places usually have better lighting for everyone’s leisure, but most importantly for photo purposes.

Nonetheless, outdoor weddings are not everyone’s cup of tea. If you prefer yours to be indoors, there are a handful of ways you can make it eco-friendly. We can cut back on your energy usage by choosing a venue that gets plenty of sunlight. Another way is to search for hotels or restaurants that takes sustainability seriously by using energy-efficient appliances and biodegradable products.

Please find below for our recommended vendors in this category:

  1. Buni Manten
  2. Bunga Rampai
  3. Khayangan Estate 
  4. Villa Karang Putih 
  5. Pine Hill Cibodas

Don’t Waste Your Flowers or Decorations

To reduce waste of wedding day, we can maximise our florals by recycling or donating them to a nursing home, hospital, orphanage or shelter, so others can enjoy their beauty, too.

Please find below for our recommended vendors in this category:

  1. Daur Bunga
  2. Eco Bali

Do Plantable and Green Wedding Favors

Believe it or not, unfortunately many guests will throw your wedding gifts away in the end.

To achieve a green wedding we can substitute the typical gifts such as notes, photo frames, drinking glass and etc with more eco-friendly products. These green products are generally more favourable to our guests, for example; organic candles, soaps, aroma therapy, or stainless utensils. Greeneries like succulents, plant seeds or fruits are also a great alternative.

Please find below for our recommended vendors in this category:

  1. Evoware 
  2. Edible Jello Cup & Bowl 
  3. Kaminari 
  4. Mini Plant ITP

Opt For Biodegradable Confetti and Sustainable Straws

It may seem insignificant, but tossing rice or paper confetti around the aisle of your church isn’t the most eco-friendly way to celebrate your sacred union. As an alternative, we can opt for the more eco-friendly products such as rose petals, lavender or fresh herbs.

In regards of the underrated usage of plastic straw, we can contribute to the environment by providing recycled paper straw or even better a stainless steel based material. Plus, these type of straws normally come with a greater patterns that will look more appealing for the guests and the photos.

Please find below for our recommended vendors in this category:

  1. Happy Earth Co 
  2. Avani Eco
  3. The Eco Initiative

Don’t do balloon release

We highly suggest to skip the notion of balloon release. It has been a huge issue in the wedding industry that these short and insignificant event has cost the environment. Once the balloon helium gas has dissipated, the balloon will normally end up in the open field or sea, this will cause a great impact to the wildlife and us human in general.

Donate Your Excess Food

When it comes to wedding, couples usually have the simmilar thinking of “the more the merrier”, where they prefer to have many leftovers rather to starve their guests. As a result, there will be a great portions of foods and drinks that are thrown away.

The first step when planning your menu is by limiting the number of courses for your reception dinner; a reduced course means less food trash.

Another solution if there are still leftovers, there are many food banks available across the country that will gladly pick up your chilled unserved food from your wedding reception. Simply talk with your caterers in advance so they can make the necessary arrangement beforehand.

Please find below for our recommended food bank in this category:

  1. A Blessing To Share

And of course, we would want to preserve these beautiful sceneries below for our next generations.