Best of Iluminen 2019
Best of Iluminen 2019
Seasons were creeping by and without us realizing, another chapter of our book had been closed. Gulping down on a piping hot espresso while strolling down the small alleys of Amsterdam-centrum; icy winds numbed our hands and tongue slightly burnt, but that’s alright.
People say that we should never look back and move forward, but when we reminisced our journey in 2019, a saying comes to mind: “Oh man that was really good!”. It was definitely a bitter-sweet chapter for us all and a paragraph isn’t going to be enough to unfold the full adventure.
Teary eyes from the spring-breeze of Salzburg to witnessing our new (and old) friends and families jumped into their own journey had been one of the best memories that we had in 2019. The scent of fireworks lighting up the dance floor and the hums of the Sydney river-side still lingers up to this very minute.
We lived for these moments and we can’t thank you all enough for sharing those moments with us. We believe that in 2020, there’ll be even more indelible bit waiting for us! A picture is indeed worth a thousand words, so sit back, relax and immerse yourself in our 2019’s journey down below!

Best of Iluminen 2019